0Wednesday. 4th [September 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 September 1878 — Therapia
Wednesday. 4th [September 1878]. At 10 o’cl: we embarked on board the Salamis & went down to town. The Adl & Lady Hornby joined us there & they & the Burrs went off to visit the mosques & Treasury. Henry & I went to the Austrian Embassy to lunch with Zichy & to see his camelias. It was very hot in town. There were his two sons & Baron Herbert his dragoman there at lunch. Afterwards we went to the Embassy & took Zichy with us to choose a place in our garden in case we should want to plant camelias. The d’Ehrenhoff girls came to meet me there & helped me to look for books & things I wanted. Mme Triantafyllides came to see me to tell me she & her husband were going off to Cyprus. We returned on board the Salamis at 4 o’cl: & went home. After leaving us at Therapia the Salamis returned to Prinkipo taking the Hornbys with it & so the 3 girls left us today. Found Mr Cartwright returned from Gallipoli & he dined with us.

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