0Monday. 9th [September 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 September 1878 — Therapia
Monday. 9th [September 1878]. Walked in the garden with Henry & then he took me & Mrs Burr to the pine terrace to look for a place to draw. We chose a spot & went & sketched till luncheon. Afternoon we went to the secretaries garden & Mr Mallet got us some refugee children to make studies of. The poor little things were very good & quiet for a couple of hours when with a few pence & some cakes we sent them home. We went into Mr Mallets rooms & he gave me his play in blank verse the Queen of Cypress wh I went home & read with much pleasure as it is really very prettily written. Came home & Mrs Burr & I took tea in my room. Usual reception with dancing in the evening.

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