0Tuesday. 10th [September 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 September 1878 — Therapia
Tuesday. 10th [September 1878]. Had my Turkish lesson. The d’Ehrenhoff girls came to spend the day. I went up to the Pine terrace to paint after my lesson. At luncheon Mellony & Ida appeared in their habits & said they were going to ride with Mr Kennedy. It seemed to us odd & as Henry could not go with them I had to forbid it & send back Mr Kennedy & his horses. In the middle of the game Ct & Css Radolinsky called. Mr Kennedy & Mallet dined with us. At 9.30 we went out for a moonlit row in the 6 oared caique. It was lovely. We went as far as Kanlijeh & back by 11.20.

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