0Thursday. 26th [September 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 September 1878 — Therapia
Thursday. 26th [September 1878]. The Hornbys left us in the Salamis to return to Prinkipo as the Fleet leaves for Orta keui on Saturday. I went to paint for an hour on the pine terrace & Mellony sat with me. Dr Dickson & Sir Hy D. Wolff lunched with us. At 3 after a visit from Mr Foster went out in the Victoria with Mellony to pay visits at Buyukdéré. Found no one in & went to call on Lady Dickson at Petala’s. Found her at home; after seeing her we went home & played lawn tennis with the secretaries. Mr Mallet & Mr Smijth dined with us & afterwards the whole “coal hole” came in & we had choruses till 11.30.

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