0Friday. 27th September [1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 September 1878 — Therapia
Friday. 27th September [1878]. Wrote letters to send by messenger. Adl Commerell came to see us to bid us good bye & stayed to luncheon as well as Mr Gresley. Mellony & I practised singing. It came on to rain hard after luncheon. May went to Candilli after breakfast & returned abt 3. The steam cutter wh took down the messenger brought up Musurus P. and Mme Alex. Caratheodory & Mr & Mme Constantin C. They stayed some time & we gave them tea. When they were gone we had a practise of songs with Mr Cartwright, Mr Leveson Gower & Mr Chermside till nearly dinner time. The Genl & Lady Dickson dined with us. Sang in the eveng.

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