0Thursday. 10th [October 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 October 1878 — Therapia
Thursday. 10th [October 1878]. I & May cut out things for Refugees & I painted in the garden. After lunch as Henry was going to call on Halim P. in the steam cutter I decided to go & call on his wife. We found them at home & gave me coffee & rose syrup in a gold bowl the top of wh was a mass of diamonds. When we got home Henry played tennis & I went in & wrote for tomorrows post. Wrote a long letter to Lady Ely to condole on the death of Sir Thomas Biddulph wh is a great loss to the Queen. We had a dinner party to Musurus P. & there also dined Safvet P., Mme Caratheodory Pasha, & her 2 sisters, Miss Musurus, Hayreddin P. the Tunisian who has lately arrived & is in gt favor with the Sultan. He is a big man with a grave countenance & his beard & whiskers are dyed jet black wh gives him a curious look. He speaks French exceedingly well. We met also Kiamil Bey, Serkis Effi, Savas Pasha & Ali Fuad Bey, the Sultan’s Secy, Sir Alfred Sandison & Mr Mallet. The Musurus came & went in our cutter wh we sent for them. Musurus told me the Sultan had ordered him to telegraph to England to get the Queen’s permission for me to accept the orders of Mercy wh the Sultan had instituted on purpose for me in remembrance of the work for the Refugees & wh for the last 6 months he had been offering me.

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