0Friday. 25th [October 1878]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 October 1878 — Therapia
Friday. 25th [October 1878]. Got up at 6.15 & went out fishing near the Black Sea with May Mr Parnis. We went in the steam launch as far as the Lazarette of Kavak. There was a N. wind & rather a swell. The caique we had towed up put down a long line with 300 hooks & then we set to work to fish with our own lines. Mr Parnis caught a gurnet & I a skate when it suddenly began to blow & they said we must make off; so instead of leaving down the long line an hour we had to take it up in 20 minutes & every moment the waves increased. We got 15 fish on the long line, turbot, soles & gurnets & skates. We then went round near Kavak village but it was 10 & we thought we ought to go home, wh we reached abt ½ past. Had tea but I had to lie down having a bad headache & could not move till time to dress for dinner. Had a diplomatic dinner & wore my order for the 1st time. Labanoff, Hatzfeldt, Fournier & Mme & Mlle, M. & Mlle Condouriotis, Maynard, Galvagna, Mohsin Khan, Kennedy & Mallet dined wh with ourselves & May made a party of 16. The Dicksons came in the evening.

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