0Tuesday. 11th [February 1879]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 February 1879 — Constantinople
Tuesday. 11th [February 1879]. Dr Patterson thought him better & ordered him on the boudoir sofa for a little while. He was up abt 2 hours. The weather was lovely. Lady Dickson fetched me out to walk in the garden for ½ hour before lunch. Had the answers fm Ld Salisbury about going home. He begs Henry to come to consult with the Govt & pays our expenses & is very civil & complimentary. Just before lunch Mr Mallet came up with a letter for Henry from the Sultan—saying he was sorry to hear of his illness & that he will not cease to pray God for his recovery. The letter was signed by H.M. himself. Henry being unable, I wrote an answer informing H.M. that Henry had asked for & obtained leave of absence. Fournier & Corti came to enquire after Henry & I saw them also the Persian Ambr. Mrs Willy & Hobart P. came to tea. Mr Smijth & Ash: dined with us. I left directly after dinner to sit with Henry.

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