0Saturday. 8th March [1879]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 March 1879 — Paris
Saturday. 8th March [1879]. We left Paris and crossed to England & had a very smooth passage so that we were able to lunch on board. Met Ct & Css Montebello whom we had not seen since they were at Madrid. At Dover we found the son of the Crown Prince of Germany was going by the same train & some directors were there to meet him & Sir Edward Watkin who knew Henry was one of them & gave us a carriage to ourselves. We were met in London by Connie, Arthur, Blanche & the M & S. & Lady Burdett Coutts & Mr Bartlett. Lady B. C. took us in her carriage to Arthur’s house 24 Onslow Gardens where we were to stay. Langham House was being painted so we cd not go there. Mama came in soon after dinner.

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