0Monday. 2nd June [1879]—Brusa
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 June 1879 — Brusa
Monday. 2nd June [1879]. Henry & Alice & Sir A. Sandison & Mr Oliphant went off to ride up Olympus. Mrs Sandison & I remained together & after breakfast we went to call on the Pasha’s harem. Found his wife & eldest married daughter at home & got up in loose white wrappers wh seemed their only garment. They were packing & preparing to return to Consple. Their house was a small bath house. We walked in on a closed in yard with marble floor & a fountain in the midst. On a raised shelf were beds all round to repose on. There was a gallery above leading to many rooms—into one of wh we went. From here we went on to a public bath close by. On entering a large hall I was horrified at the sight of hundreds of women & children sitting all round with no covering but a small apron. They were all chattering, screaming, laughing, eating &c & the ground was strewn with cherries stones & dirt. We went on to the inner rooms– The 2nd had few people but the inner hall, the bath proper, was a scene far more curious than the first. On entering the door one cd hardly see anything for the thick steam and the heat was tremendous. I could not stay in more than an instant just long eno to perceive that there were several hundred of women & children sitting about steaming themselves & others dashing about in a basin of hot water—kicking, screaming, fighting, laughing—& I had to fly & was glad to get out. We had to taste some of the hot water of the spring for luck. From the baths Mrs Sandison & I went to see the Pasha & sat with him some time we then went to the tombs of the Sultans & Prince [illegible word] & then home. The mountain party returned home abt 6 having enjoyed their trip & having halted & had tea on the way down at the camp of the young dragomen– After dinner we sat out of doors & Mrs S. & Alice, Sir Alfred & I took a walk & getting him alone I took the opportunity of having a serious conversation with him on the subject of the imprudent marriage his mother was afraid lest he shd make. He reassured me & took what I said very kindly.

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