0Saturday. 19th [July 1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 July 1879 — Therapia
Saturday. 19th [July 1879]. I had Turkish lesson. Alice had singing lesson. We read aloud for a little while till lunch. Had Glee practise at 4 but none of the girls came. Mrs Sandison called– At 5 Princess Aziza came with her little boy & afterwards Nazlie & Princess Halim P. Capt. Pusey came with the blue jackets, Mme Mantilla also came– The men sang choruses & danced hornpipes to amuse the ladies & we all sat in the tent where Jerry & Florence served refreshments. Abt 7 they sang God Save the Queen & departed & we took the ladies a little walk in the gardens & as Mr Bland & Mr Oliphant were playing lawn tennis we stopped a moment to see it– Abt 7.30 the ladies left. Mr Bland dined. Blanche sang in the eveng.

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