0Wednesday. 23rd [July 1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 July 1879 — Therapia
Wednesday. 23rd [July 1879]. Copied music & wrote in the morning. At 2 went out in the steam launch with Mrs Sandison to Hyssar to call at Ahmed Vefyk’s harem. It was an excessively hot day & it was rather a toil to get up the hill. We found his wife & eldest married daughter at home & sat with them about an hour. We then descended to our steam launch & went across to Kanlijeh to call on Pss Aziza who is wife of Izzet B. grandson of Fuad P. lives in the fine house built by Fuad, but as it is not kept up the family being poor a good deal of it has fallen into disrepair. Got home abt 6 & found them playing tennis.

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