0Friday. 5th September [1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 September 1879 — Therapia
Friday. 5th September [1879]. Wrote & copied music in the morng. After lunch I went off in the steam launch to see Nazlie & to answer her note asking me to make enquiries abt a certain converted Musulman German Ahmet Zukki who wants to marry her. I had to take her a very unfavorable report. He has only been a Musulman for 3 weeks—left the Prussian army for his debts—& his parentage was Russian– Advised her strongly against it. She determined to follow our advice. She showed me his photo & a long French letter written in the most absurd highflown absurd manner. On the way home I called on Mme Hilmy but she was out. I joined them all playing tennis with Nellie & Hatzfeldt on my return. Blanche & I went to call on Mme Fournier but she did not receive. Mr Hatzfeldt & Mr Smijth & Nicholson dined. We sang “Pinafore” in the evening.

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