0Saturday. 6th [September 1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 September 1879 — Therapia
Saturday. 6th [September 1879]. Blanche & Edward drove in to Pera to be photod. I had my Turkish lesson—Alice a singing lesson. Mrs Privilegio came to ask for money for the poor. Dr Dickson came to luncheon & also Mrs Walker. I arranged with her that she should go as dame de compagnie with Pss Halim when she goes to Europe. Sat out in the grove whilst the others were playing lawn tennis—& then came in & wrote. B & E came home abt 4. The Mantillas called. Prof: Sayce, Mr Oliphant &c dined. The chancery & the Dicksons came in afterwards & we had singing all the eveng.

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