0Wednesday. 7th April [1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 April 1880 — Constantinople
Wednesday. 7th April [1880]. I got up late & copied Henry’s letters to Ld Salisbury in bed—& wrote a long letter to Maria to send by Alice– After lunch I sat with Alice talking till tea time when we dressed & Henry, A. Burr & I drove down Alice to Top-khaneh. The Antelope Barge was there & took us on board the French ship “Provence.” The Fourniers were going also & a great many people went to see them off—all the corps dip: & more beside. We stayed there for more than an hour & then we took leave of Alice handing her over to the c/o Mme Fournier as far as Paris & returned home. Dined alone & played dominos.

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