0Thursday. 29th April [1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 April 1880 — Constantinople
Thursday. 29th April [1880]. Mr Washington & Mrs Crawford came soon after breakfast to finish sending out programmes. Mrs Walker came to give me a painting lesson but I was called away to sing over my Rubinsteins duets with Mme Livadari with Mr Sartoris to accompany. We lunched at 1 and at 1.30 set out at last to go round the walls. I & Henry & Capt. & Mrs Jolliffe & Count Collobiano, Sir Alfred, Arthur Burr & Mr St John on horseback. Mrs Lascelles & her boy went to beg Mme Mantilla to go in the carriage with them. It was the first really hot fine day we had had. We rode across the new bridge thro’ the Phanar the old Greek quarter under the walls the whole way & on the waters edge every now & then there were fine old houses. Before we got into Eyub we turned up following the water & the old Turkish burying ground– When we got to the Adrianople gate we turned into it & went to the Kahriyeh mosque & there alighted & went in to see the wonderful Italian mosaiques wh line the walls of the outer part or portico of the mosque. They are wonderfully preserved & are charming in colour & design & some of the scenes from Scripture History are very beautifully drawn– The ornaments are graceful & harmonious– Some of them are damaged but the cupolas of wh there are at least 4 the subjects are well preserved & the white wash seems to have preserved them. After examining these mosaics we went on round the walls wh are still splendid—in some parts there are still the triple fortifications & the moat. When we got to the Seven Towers we left our horses & got into the steam launch Henry & I, Mrs Lascelles, Mme Mantilla, Arthur & Ct Collobiano. The rest rode home. We found the Capt.’s steward on board & he gave us lovely tea & buttered toast. It was a most lovely hot calm day & the views were lovely & there were many picturesque bits along the walls down by the sea. We found the carriage waiting for us & after leaving Henry at home Mme Mantilla & I went on to call on Mme Parnis whom we found in & to ask her to see what the F. Embassy was going to do abt selling concert tickets. I then deposited Mme M. at home & then went home & practised my duetts till dinner time with Mme Livadari.

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