0Saturday. 1st May 1880—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 May 1880 — Constantinople
Saturday. 1st May 1880. I got up to breakfast & set to work to copy out the French words of our duett into Mme Livadari’s copy & then I went to Mr Sartoris’ room to practise it. Went out in the garden & assisted at the planting of a stone pine tree by Henry in the centre plot of grass of the S.W. corner looking over the Golden Horn. Henry went off to Yildiz to see the Sultan. At 4 Mme Livadari & I got Sir Alfred Sandison’s carriage & went to the German Embassy where we met Sartoris & practised our duets there for an hour. We had a small dinner party consisting of Hatzfeldt, the Mantillas, Monsr Vanutelli, Ct Montholon, the German Minister (Grautch) & the Roumanian Chargé d’affaires. They played dominoes–

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