0Sunday. 2nd May [1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 May 1880 — Constantinople
Sunday. 2nd May [1880]. I was not very well & did not get up till lunch. Being the Greek Easter Day there was a dreadful noise all the morng of firing of guns & squibs & our cow who was tethered out in the garden had a calf born there & then. Directly after lunch we drove off to the German Embassy to have a General Rehearsal but had to wait a great deal for the Germans who came dropping in ½ hour after the time. There were enormous discussions abt the positions of the platform pianos &c with the obstinate Mr Kunert but at last we got things a little settled & got thro’ the rehearsal– But it was past 6 when we left—I exhausted & with a headache—& I went straight to bed and left the dinner of 14 to Henry.

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