0Wednesday. 5th May [1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 May 1880 — Constantinople
Wednesday. 5th May [1880]. Mrs Arthur Hanson came up to breakfast with us. I had plenty to do finishing my packing & at 12 we started in the carriage Henry, Arthur & I & drove to Dolmabaghcheh where we thought to find the barge but as it was not there we went on to Top-khaneh where it was—& went on board the Antelope & started for a day’s cruise. We had hardly got to Scutari when I discovered I had left my ring on the washing stand in my room but Capt. Jolliffe kindly sent his coxswain back to look for it. We steamed on to the Prince’s Island & landed. It is a wonderful place—one rows into a narrow creek between dangerous rocks where one finds built down to the waters edge a kind of miniature tumble down Gothic keep– The rooms have still mouldy looking glasses hanging up & there are false shelves with book backs rotting away. From this keep we walked up the hill to the Castle & met a solitary old man who seemed sole inhabitant of the Island. The state of the Castle was lamentable & altho’ only built 16 years ago was almost in ruins having been built of malta stone—the softest that exists, & plaister. After wandering about we returned to the landing place where the sailors had made a fire to give us tea but it was discovered that the steward had forgotten to bring the tea all else was there so we retired to the Antelope & had our tea on board & steamed up to Therapia. We anchored in the Bay just at dark & sat down to dinner at 8 & landed at the Embassy abt 10. We found the servants settled down & we went to bed. My ring safe in Hill’s possession.

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