0Sunday. 23rd [May 1880]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 May 1880 — Therapia
Sunday. 23rd [May 1880]. Went to morng service. Mrs Arthur Hanson & Ethel came up to it. The Antelope sailors & the Chazalie sang very well & we had a full congregation. After church Mrs Leigh & Lady Virginia came in & Mrs Arthur H. & saw some refugee embroideries wh they bought. After lunch we went out (at 3) in the 10 oared caique & took with us Mrs Leigh, Lady V., Miss Taylour, Mr Ogle, Col. Villiers & the Dr, Mr Bland & Mr Leveson Gower. We rowed first to Kavak where they landed to see the village—then we went down to Chibukli & we landed there & took coffee & from there we went to Beikos where all landed except Mrs Leigh, Miss Taylour & I; we went on board the yacht & had tea & waited till the others fetched me—& then we went home. I was much disappointed at getting no letters by today’s mail. I suppose all in England think we have already left here– Mrs Leigh, Mr Ogle, the Dr Col. Villiers, Hobart P., Sir Alfred Sandison, Mr Sartoris, Mr Leveson Gower, Mr Nicolson, Mr Bland, Mr St John &               . The Washingtons came to tea.

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