0Monday. 24th [May 1880]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 May 1880 — Therapia
Monday. 24th [May 1880]. (Queen’s birthday). We breakfasted at 8.30 & at 9 I started for town in the launch to go to the Bazaars. At Candilli I picked up Mrs Arthur Hanson. We landed at the Custom House at Stamboul—took a small open fly & with Mrs Arthur’s servant we drove off. We went to the Bedesten & went round looking out things & Mrs A. bargained. We went to the shop of a Turk called                where we bought towels &c & had a coffee over our bargains. We went in search of a mangal for Mrs Leith but cd not find a good one– We then went to the Persians & I got a nice white cashmere shawl for £T. 5 with coloured border. We went to the shop of Hadji Osman B. & got embroideries & we then went back to the carriage with our bargains—very tired & hungry & drove down to the launch with parcels of all descriptions. It was past 2 when we got to it. We had to go to Scutari to leave Mrs Leigh’s parcels for her & then I dropped Mrs Arthur at Candilli but on the way up we eat our luncheon & made ourselves tea wh was very refreshing. When I got home abt 4.30 I found Henry in the garden & several people calling to present their respects on the Queen’s birthday. We had tea in the garden. It had been a lovely rather hot day. Hobart P., Sir Alfred Sandison & Mr St John dined with us. Mr Goschen will arrive on Friday. At 6 o’cl Munir B. & Khalil Bey came up in a mouche in uniform to congratulate from the Sultan on the Queen’s fête. Henry, Sir Alfred & Mr Stevens received them also in uniform. Most of the Ambrs & Ministers came while I was out. The Russian telegraphed his excuses as he had his audience of the Sultan. The Persian was moving his house. Hatzfeldt was ill but sent. Mr Longeville the French Chargé sent a card in an envelope with “pf” in the corner. M Tissot arrived today to take charge of the F. Embassy & I suppose Longeville cd not come & did not know better than to send a card!

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