0Saturday. 5th [June 1880]—En route to Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 June 1880 — En route to Venice
Saturday. 5th [June 1880]. Lovely when we got up but as the day went on a scirocco wind blew. I went & sat in the deck house on the bridge & when 1.30 came there was so much movement that I thought it prudent to remain where I was & get the luncheon brought up to me. One of the officers of the ship talked to me the while. I had a very long talk with Mr Nicolson on the Hobart ménage & the result was unsatisfactory we both agreed in the belief that it wd not last—as she was quite indifferent to her husband. The weather got calmer & I was able to go to dinner, after dinner we played dominoes but the movement increased so that I was obliged to take sudden flight & went off to bed. The ship rolled a good deal in the night.

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