0Monday. 14th [June 1880]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 June 1880 — Langham House, Portland Place
Monday. 14th [June 1880]. I did not go out till 5 in the afternoon. Blanche came in the morng to have a “clothes talk.” Mrs Austin (Temmie) came to luncheon—& sat talking to me in the afternoon. Later Alice Rate called, then Ld & Lady Somers & then Sir C. Dickson. Abt 5.30 I drove out with the M. we left cards & wrote our names at Marlboro House & then went to the F.O. & fetched parcels wh we had sent home by messenger– Called on Granvilles & Gladstones. Found Lady Salisbury at home & had a little chat. She was surprised at Gladstones haste to turn out both Henry & Ld Lytton. The latter asked to be allowed to remain in India till the end of June wh was refused. Owing to the time of year he cd not move his family so he turned out of Govt House & went to a friend. Henry went to F.O. & found Lord Granville very polite—& that he gets his full pay for 4 months—not having left his post for 3 years. We dined alone. I played duetts with the M. Bed early.

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