0Monday. 21st June [1880]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 June 1880 — Langham House, Portland Place
Monday. 21st June [1880]. Got up with a headache & laid on sofa all morng. The Riaños came to see us & spent an hour chatting. Henry recd a deputation from the Euphrates Co to thank him for what he had done to help them in Turkey & then he went out. Mr Wylde called on me after lunch & we talked over Clarita Hunt’s affairs & also Edgar & Leo Layard’s. At 3 I went to the Somers & went to Ld Somers studio where we mixed colours & made experiments for doing the house at Venice. I then went at 4.15 to National Gallery to fetch Henry who had been presiding at a meeting of the trustees. From there we went to call on Mme Blumenthals in Hyde Park Gate to see the house decorated by Gertrude Jekyll. It was very beautiful but to me oppressive—the rooms are low & over done. The drawingroom is white & gold with flat ornaments of leaves in gold without shading or relief done in kinds of panels—all the furniture is embroidered & in artistic colours—faddy—& wanting in colour—the doors are inlaid in ivory done by Mme Blumenthal the chimney piece in wood carving by Miss J. I felt so CD that I was obliged to go straight home & to bed & to give up dining at Blanche’s or going to Lady Bosthwick’s. Henry went there & said it was a most pleasant party & that the D of Cambridge had been most pleasant to him & said “I am very sorry to see you—very sorry” meaning to see him turned out of Consple.

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