0Tuesday. 22nd [June 1880]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 June 1880 — Langham House, Portland Place
Tuesday. 22nd [June 1880]. I got up late & before I was dressed Mrs Koelle came to see me so I had her upstairs & then Mrs Burr came & we had a little chat till the hair dresser came on Lady Somers recommendation to try a new way of doing my hair & he gave me what it pleased him to call a séance wh meant trying it in various ways! I went out driving after lunch & called on Cornelia who was in & I left a lot of cards & found Mme d’Antas in. At 5 I went to a party at Lady Eastlakes where I met a lot of artistic people amongst them the Riaños. Henry went down by train to Trant to see Lord Stratford de Redcliffe & on his return joined me at Lady Eastlakes. Just as we were leaving & I was sitting talking to Lady E., Lady Strangford arrived & came up to our hostess & not condescending to look at me I quickly made my escape & we went home. We dined at home quietly.

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