0Tuesday. 6th July [1880]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1880 — Langham House, Portland Place
Tuesday. 6th July [1880]. I got up late & went off at 11 picked up Henry at the Club & we drove down to Blackheath to finish the division of poor Grannie’s things. Miss Berkeley came to lunch there. After lunch we drove off to Lady Wells cemetery to visit her grave. It is a very pretty place on the edge of the country & kept bright with flowers. We drove back to Lansdowne Place & at 5 we drove back to London. Went to dine with the Clarks in Berkeley Square. Genl. Bourke took me down– Mr Octavius Morgan sat on my right– He was a nice chatty old man; my L.H. neighbour was dull & fine. The M & S, Mrs & Miss Thornhill also dined there. We went to the Gladstones—a small dull party & we were glad to escape & go to Lady Somers where we found a small dance going on. We stayed a few minutes & then went home. We met there Ld Melgund for the 1st time since he was at Therapia—since then he has been to Afghanistan & says he is ready to set for Turkey where a war seems inevitable—accts today are alarming—all parties blame the present Govt.

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