0Wednesday. 28th July [1880]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 July 1880 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Wednesday. 28th July [1880]. There was a cricket match but it was so showery, I did not go out in the morning & in the afternoon having prepared for lawn tennis—just as we got to the door it came on to pour again. An Italian Band had come over to play & had to be brought into the hall. Some neighbours who came to see the match came in & we gave them tea & talked to them. The Somers arrived & Miss Somers Cocks this afternoon. I had some talk with Sir Henry Meysey Thompson who amused me immensely by entering into the question of how to set about becoming a “p b” professional beauty. How a young married woman must walk in the Park every day nicely dressed & get some man to say of her “Who is she”. After abt 3 weeks her name is divulged & some one makes her acquaintance & all press to know her—the Prince is got to notice her– She is asked everywhere & is thoroughly lancéd but it is not an easy thing & as Sir Henry said it is not every woman who can give up her children & domestic duties to take her position or every husband who will submit to being ignored– Mr Heathcote took me to dinner & I had Nelly Alderson on the other side of me. Music during dinner by the Italian band.

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