0Tuesday. 3rd August [1880]—Fredley, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 August 1880 — Fredley, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Tuesday. 3rd August [1880]. Mrs Drummond took Henry & me for a walk round the grounds. She has cut a lovely walk in the old yew hedge—& shewed us their numerous specimens of the trees growing one into the other. Mrs Kay came down for an hour before we left & we sat & talked till their carriage came & drove back to Milton in time for luncheon. Directly afterwards we drove over to Wotton to call on Mrs Evelyn. Found them all in the garden & Mr & Mrs Tom Hughes staying with them. They took us to the tennis ground & then Mr E. showed Henry & Mr Hughes the “stews” just outside the grounds where the keeper was waiting with rods in case any one wished to fish. Henry & Mr Hughes availed themselves gladly of the occasion & caught a few perch & trout. At 5 we set off home & on passing thro’ the house Mr Evelyn showed me the portraits of the great John Evelyn his diary &c but we had not time to examine this as we had to be back to receive Mr Kinglake & Mr & Mrs Mathew Arnold who were coming to stay at Milton– Mr Arnold, Henry, Francie & I played a capital game of lawn tennis till dinner. Mrs and Archdeacon Atkinson dinner & we had a pleasant little party & Henry told many amusing stories how he had been over all the country supposed to have been discovered by Dr Tristram. A sheikh had taken him prisoner & handed him over to another arab who kept him prisoner but who took him over all the country he wished to see. The Arab kept demanding a ransom & said he had paid £10 for him to the 1st sheikh. Henry said he told the man he had no money & after 3 months he became convinced of the truth of it & let him go. He also told how he once gave a woman a box of opium & calomel pills to be taken every 4 hours—& a bottle of laudanum for her husband who was ill with cholera & how in 2 hours she returned to say her husband was better, had taken all the medicine & wanted more. We had a little singing in the eveng.

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