0Saturday. 7th August [1880]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 August 1880 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Saturday. 7th August [1880]. It poured all day long & we were glad to remain at Milton quietly. Kinglake left by middle day & we sent up Florence with our luggage to town & we intend going up tomorrow afternoon– We sat sewing I made a red bag for Lady Somers & we tied up sprigs of lavender. In the pouring rain Sir Walter Farquhar & Mr F. Leveson Gower came over to luncheon. Sir Walter was very low about the sad state of his daughter Mrs E. Ashley who is dying of consumption. They left directly after lunch. Towards evening there was a lull now & then & the rain ceased a little. Blanche, Henry & I went for a walk in our waterproofs & thick boots till dinner time. After dinner we amused ourselves in helping Alice to change the furniture in the drawing room.

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