0Friday. 13th August [1880]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 August 1880 — Paris
Friday. 13th August [1880]. I set off to shop with Hill & we spent a good time at the Bon Marche & only got back to the Hotel St Romain for lunch. Afterwards Henry & I went out driving together. We went to the Palais d’Industrie but saw nothing pretty there & were going for a drive in the Bois when a thunderstorm came on & we had to go home—just getting there as a great crash of thunder & a deluge of rain came down. We dined at home & went to the Chatelet to see the “Pilules du Diable” Extravaganza– A very good large theatre & not as stuffy as Paris theatres as usual– There was an alarm of a “rat” running abt under our feet for some time & a lady who sat near us insisted on leaving her place much to her husband’s disgust. The Piece was long & the scenery pretty– A girl was let down from the skies by a rope & made to fly abt in the same way alighting on the others’ hand or arm– It was very graceful– But the ballet was even more undressed than usual in a french play.

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