0Saturday. 4th September [1880]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 September 1880 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 4th September [1880]. Took my 12th & last bath & was accompanied by Louisa. Morelli & Henry went out. I sat at home as it was very hot. Henry came home to tea at 3.20 & at 4 we went out again to call on Mme Marliani who was out; we went to the Seminario of the Salute to see some wonderful terra cotta busts they have there & a few good pictures– Came home to dinner. Sir A. Bosthwick dined with us. He was very grand & told us all abt the return of the Empress Eugenie to England after having performed her pilgrimage to Zululand– How at the station—she said—she wd speak to him another time—& murmured abt another place wh Sir A. took to mean she referred to her Son’s monument not being placed in Westminster Abbey—but he found she referred to his not having gained his election—& that she knew nothing of the decision of Parliament in her absence– That as soon as she heard of it she “Qu’on me cherche Bosthwick– Faites moi venir Bosthwick– He rushed there & did his best to appease her wrath & calm her wounded spirit & at last she calmed down & asked him his advice– “I said write to the Queen” & she agreed to do so—I paving the way by writing first to Genl. Ponsonby”– He was grand over this story & puffed out with pride wh made Morelli give me sly winks. We went to the Piazza in the eveng & Sir A. went to join the Delawares. On our way home we went to leave on the yacht some parcels I was sending to Consple when Lady D. leant over the side & begged us to go on board wh we did—had tea & sat with them a little while & went over the yacht. They sail tomorrow morng for Dulcigno to see the Naval Demonstration & then go to Consple.

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