0Thursday. 9th September [1880]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 September 1880 — La Punta, Longarone
Thursday. 9th September [1880]. When Hill called us at 6.30 it was raining hard & as I was very sleepy I was not sorry when she came back with a message from Mr Malcolm to say we were by no means to start this morng. We should stay till tomorrow. I determined to have my tea in bed & turned over for another nap. I did not get up till 10. Came down & wrote letters. The rain ceased after breakfast wh we had at 12 & we went out to see the fishing. A man went with a small net into the stones of the side of the torrent & another shovelled them in stones & all with a flat piece of wood on the end of a pole. This was to catch a small fish abt size of sprat. Other men were dragging nets for trout & brought in some beauties just before dinner so we waited till they were boiled & then went in & eat them. It got quite fine by the eveng & everything promises for a fine day tomorrow– We sat on the terrace for an hour before dinner & it was very pleasant.

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