0Saturday. 11th September [1880]—Schluderbach
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 September 1880 — Schluderbach
Saturday. 11th September [1880]. We had intended stopping here a day to make excursions but the wind being still south we saw that it was hopeless to expect better weather & determined to go on to Botzen. We left abt 9 oclock in a carriage of the inn & Mr Malcolm’s carriage returned to him at La Punta. As we were preparing to start—we sat at the open door & watched the tall woman making her preparations to start. She spoke English to her dogs but good Italian to her maid—& suddenly Henry said “I believe it is “Ouida.” I said “of course it is” but we had no means of assuring ourselves as she put “Mme Tomkinson” in the book wh was manifestly a feigned name. We drove to Toblach & the weather cleared. We took the train there for Botzen & found ourselves with some travelling Americans. At Franzensfeste we dined at the station table d’hôte wh was bad & we went on to Botzen getting there abt 4.20. We went to the Kaiser Krone—a good inn but very noisy. We sent to Mr Degischer Mr Malcolm’s agent for our letters. He soon appeared with them & we went for a walk with him to the Bridge where there was a splendid view. Went to the hotel & dined. Mr Degischer came to say he had procured us a carriage to go over the Stelvio. Little sleep what with the church bells & being over the stables.

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