0Wednesday. [29th September 1880]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 September 1880 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. [29th September 1880]. Wrote & read in the morng. After lunch Henry & I went out leaving cards & paying visits. I found Lady L. Tenison at home as melancholy as ever. She tells me she leaves for Malta on Friday. She is very depressed abt her estate in Ireland. She says the Govt telegraph clerk in her village is Secy to the Land League & tho’ the ministers have been told of it they do nothing & leave him there—so that the police daren’t use the telegraph—all their orders are at once known to the League. Went home & read & worked till dinner. The Drakes dined with us. In the eveng we rowed them home & then came home ourselves–

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