0Tuesday. 30th November [1880]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 November 1880 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 30th November [1880]. Guggenheim came in the morng with Signor Molmenti to introduce him. He seems very intelligent good looking & a gentleman. We discussed with him the translation of his book. Countess Marcello sent Tea to me for a model for hair but when she came I found her hair too dark & so I merely made her sit for an alteration in the hand. After luncheon Henry left me at Guggenheim’s & he showed me specimens of lace—the polychrome lace he has had made for the Papadopoli chairs—& some curious old books. Henry having been to Botti’s to see his Palma Vecchio of St George & Dragon wh had been transferred, fetched me & we went to the square to Ongania’s & Henry subscribed for his great work on St Marks. We walked in the Square & then went home. Had a lace lesson at 5. At 7 we dined at Andriana Css Marcello’s. It was her fête—her name being the fem: for Andrea– We were abt 42 people at dinner. Ct L. Michiel took me to dinner & I had on my right Conte Almerico Schio who was very merry & got very excited as the evening wore on– Pss Marie Dolgorouky, Css Persico, Mme Nevile, Css Valmarana, Mme Bassecourt were among the ladies present– There were several brindisis to the hostess—Monsignore Bernardi recited some complimentary verses—Ct Luigi Michiel made a witty little speech—to the effect that as to express a general you had but to say Napoleon—to express a diplomat—Cavour—so to express his idea of a Venetian noble lady—he would say Andriana. There was great applause & merriment. We came away abt 10.30, taking an affte leave of my special ally Monsnor Fanetti the Marcello’s spiritual director.

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