0Friday. 7th January [1881]—Naples
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 January 1881 — Naples
Friday. 7th January [1881]. Wrote letters in the morng & we lunched at 12.30. As we came out of the dining room we saw a cab drive up & Giovanni got out with some other people– At first I took no notice but as he followed us upstairs we saw that he was pale & had his coat half off & then he explained that he had been run over by a cart in the streets & had his shoulder put out. Luckily he was with a courier called Perrini who at once put him in a cab & drove him to the hospital where his shoulder was pulled in– We sent him off to bed. Perrini told us that a cart with barrels had been racing a carriage & tried to pass it in a very narrow street. Giovanni had escaped the carriage but the cart threw him violently down—& went over him, was upset horse cart barrels & all– He believes the man picked himself & all up & got away from the police. At 2 we took a cab & went & spent 1½ hour at the Museum going over the Inscriptions & statuary & bronzes & the Papiri. We then went & left some cards & so home. I sent word to Mr Franks that Mr Nobile had changed his cook & he ought to dine at table d’hôte wh he did & had his place next us. Mr Morgan also dined & sat by us & afterwards they both came & took coffee & then smoke in our room. At ¼ to 10 we went off to the Philharmonic Concert given 14 Monte de Dio to wh Lady Holland had got us an invitation. The Palace, an old one, was splendid & the Concert room good. There were a gt many fashionable ladies—many very handsome—the men did not impress me as very nice or respectful to the fair sex. The orchestral music was good, the vocal bad. They shrieked “Gallia” & Biancolini hollowed out some air from D. Carlos & was much applauded. Lady Holland & the De Bulows were there. Lady H. left at the end of Pt 1. We stayed till the end– Vesuvius covered with snow.

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