0Sunday. 16th January [1881]—Naples
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 January 1881 — Naples
Sunday. 16th January [1881]. I & Hill went to church in the morng. After lunch Henry & I drove to Css Monte St Angelo to bid her adieu & Pss Cariati her daughter. They were most kind. Before we went out we had a visit from Dss Ravaschieri who was very affectionate & kind. She ended by kissing me– Mme Schwabe also called & saw us. Css Monte St Angelo asked us a great deal abt Mme Schwabe’s school whether it was for proselytising—when we assured her it was not, she said she wd go & see it for herself. When we had taken leave of her we went off to Css Montfort & found her at home—thanked her for her kindness & took leave– We dined at table d’hôte & met our little friend Franks & he came up to coffee in our room. In the eveng we went to Lady Hollands. There were very few people as it was the fashionable opera night, met there Lady Charlemont & Lady Bellingham Graham & Miss De Weil her granddaughter– The latter have been long in the same hotel as ourselves but we had never made acquaintance. The girl seemed quiet & ladylike but her grand mother got up & painted to try & be young. Lady Holland was very nice to me & we took a tender farewell– Mme de Bülow kissed me when I left & Lady Holland said she must do the same & said she was no longer afraid of me! We took leave of all the Holland tertulia as we start for Rome tomorrow.

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