0Monday. 31st January [1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 January 1881 — Rome
Monday. 31st January [1881]. I went alone to Villa Campana. I gave Mr Wood the first sitting for my bust wh he is going to make. I also worked at the head of the young Augustus & returned to lunch at 1. At ¼ 2 I went by appointt to Mme Minghetti’s. By some mistake she forgot to ask Henry & had invited the German Ambr von Kendell to meet him. I found the D. & Dss of Sermoneta there & M. & Mme Kendell came soon after me. Mme Minghetti’s room is very pretty & full of fine carpets hangings &c. It is an old fashioned kind of hall lighted by windows near the ceiling. Kendell was very civil & said he wd come & call on Henry. I came home & fetched Henry & we went together to St Clemente where there was a fête and where we met every tourist & traveller now in Rome. They were walking abt with Guide Books—English German French &c. We met the Bowens & went to the lower church which was all lighted up. We found there an English monk to whom Henry spoke & mentioned his old friend, now dead, Father Moloney. He gave his name as Father O’Conor & told Henry he wd always show him any thing if he came abt 1 o’cl. When we returned to the upper church the organ was playing & vespers had begun so we came away & went to S. Andrea delle Fratte to see Miss Hosmers monument to Mlle Falconnet, Mme Monte St Angelo’s daughter. It is a recumbent figure & very clever– Went home. Dined at home. Wrote a quantity of letters in the eveng one to Consple abt having Mergian the horse brought to England.

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