0Tuesday. 1st February [1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 February 1881 — Rome
Tuesday. 1st February [1881]. Henry went with me to the Villa Campana & sat for his portrait while I modelled. We came home early & lunched at 12.30 after wh Henry went to the Minghetti’s. At 2 I went out & payed some visits. I went to the Hotel du Quirinal to see Marchesa de Medici who was at home– Then to Lady Bagot who is still in her room. Left cards– Called on & found Lady Eyre at home—& when I came in a little before 5 I found old Mr Penry Williams sitting with Henry. I had written to beg him to come & see us as he was a protegé of my fathers & a Merthyr Tydvil man. He seems old—& said he had been ill with fever & often seemed to be perplexed in his memory but he spoke of politics & said he read Galignani every day with great interest. He is a nice looking old man with bald forehead & white locks but he wore blue spectacles wh gave him a weird look. It is sad to think he is the last left of all his set & his great friend was Gibson who has been dead these 10 years. We dined at home & I wrote in the evening & we did not go to a Bachelor’s Dance to wh we were invited & wh took place at Spellman’s just opposite to us.

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