0Wednesday. 2nd February [1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 February 1881 — Rome
Wednesday. 2nd February [1881]. I went off alone to Villa Campana & gave Mr Wood a sitting for my portrait– Had a turn at the “young Augustus” and did not get home till 1.30 by wh time Henry had been to see the King at the Quirinal. He said that H.M. was very nice & kept him talking a long time—offered him a cigar & at last he kept Henry so long he said he felt he ought not to keep H.M. so long. Last eveng at 5 we had a visit from the Marchesa della Stufa the master of the Ceremonies who came to say H.M. would see Henry today at one. I was much interested at seeing him after all the history abt him & Ouida. He is a great big man with a black beard & seems capable of taking care of himself—& one cannot imagine it was necessary for Janet Ross to interfere to save him! He has a very disagreeable manner affected & stilted & conceited & long winded & pompous & obsequious! a combination wh seems impossible but is nevertheless true. I shd say he thought himself a lady killer. After lunch Henry & I went to the Castellani’s it being her “day.” She had procured me some little machines to wear as earrings without piercing holes & lent me her pearl drops to wear tonight. We drove up to the Pinchio & walked there. It was a lovely day. We walked home. At 5 Los Marquesas de Villa Mantilla called. Having arrived yesterday from Consple. We were delighted to see them & to hear all abt Consple. They liked the Goschens but said no one could bear them at Consple from the Sultan downwards. Henry & I dined at our Embassy. Lord Wilton took me in to dinner & Mr Eric Barrington sat on my right—besides the Wiltons, the Eric Barringtons there were the 2 ladies Cole & their uncle Mr Cole, also Mr & Mrs Beauclerk, Mr de Saumarez, Mr Portal all of the Embassy. In the evening the Muncasters, Lady Louisa Legge, the Bagots, Hamilton Aïdé &c &c came in & there was music on the staircase of rather a dull kind– Home abt 11.

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