0Friday. 25th February [1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 February 1881 — Rome
Friday. 25th February [1881]. I went to Villa Campana & worked hard. Hill fetched me home. Bulows lunched with us. Went out directly after to call on Mrs Marsh. Found her in & took leave of her. Went on to Mme Hegermanns & we tried over Spanish songs for more than an hour. I taught her some I knew. Came home & took a walk with Henry to the Piazza Popolo & up the Pinchio. At 5 had visits from Bulows, Mr & Mrs Jocelyn, Monsgr Stonor & Mme Castellani. Dressed & went to dine with the Dutch Minister & Mme Westenberg. Met the Bagots, Pantaleonis, Peruzzis, Cairolis, M & Mme Van den Bersch & the Bernarottis. There was rather a confusion as to who took in who but we had a pleasant dinner, good food & eat off beautiful Dutch china. Mme Peruzzi was taken worse & had to leave the table– We did not stay very late. Senator Pantaleoni took me to dinner & Ld Bagot sat at my left–

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