0Friday. 4th [March 1881]—Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 March 1881 — Florence
Friday. 4th [March 1881]. Breakfasted in our sitting room. At 11 a visit fm Sir James Hudson who stayed chatting till 1 talking over Rome & society & the Pagets & politics. Lunched at 1 with Mrs Sloane & then Henry & I drove out in her carriage. We took some books Mrs Sloane had given Henry to Goodbans to be packed & then Spences studio for Henry to sit ¼ hour for his portrait, & then went to the Cascine for a drive & as far as the Campo Santo Indiano to see the Monument by Fuller put up on the spot where an Indian Prince who died at Florence was buried. It is a bust—painted under a kind of Indian pagoda—but it is so badly put up that it is already beginning to come to pieces. We got home by 5 & had some coffee & then I went up to Mrs Sloane’s room & sat talking to her some time in the twilight till dinner time. We 3 dined alone. Mr Spence came in for a little while in the eveng. Bed early.

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