0Friday. 18th March [1881]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 March 1881 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 18th March [1881]. Packed & finished arranging. Mr Malcolm came to see us to make final arrangements having returned yesterday from Longarone– Css Marcello came to see us & accompanied us to the station & we went by 2 train to Vicenza leaving Hill & Herbert to join us the next day. We were met at the station by Cortelazzo & I drove to the hotel in his little carriage with the 2 grey ponies. Henry & C. walked. After seeing our rooms & ordering dinner we walked out to Cortelazzo’s house to see his wife and also the great tea service he is making for a Russian gentleman. It is an enormous thing & as fine as such an unpromising subject can be made. It is with an enormous silver tray so heavy that it will require two strong men to carry it. We visited his work shop where he has 2 people at work– We then went for a walk thro’ the town to the shop of a carver in wood to get designs for a frame for Blanche. We found a lot of men working away in a charming lofty hall on 1st floor—& wonderfully cheap carved boxwood chairs at 16 fcs a pair– We walked back to the Hotel de Rome. Profr Abbate Zanitti came to see us & sat with us while we dined. Cort: dined with us & we had a pleasant evening.

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