0Tuesday. 29th March [1881]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 March 1881 — Langham House, Portland Place
Tuesday. 29th March [1881]. I stayed in bed all the morning & got up to lunch wh I had in the sitting room. I dressed & went to the drawing room. I left home at 2.30 & I got back abt 3.40. Having the entrée I got in very easily. I met Huntly at the door & went up with him to the room where we had to wait. As soon as the Queen had arrived & the dip. Corps had gone thro’ I hastened in only waiting for Mrs Gladstone to preceed me but she said she wanted a few to go first & I took her at her word & got thro’ one of the first. The Queen was gracious & shook my hand as did Pss Beatrice. There was also the Dss of Connaught but I did not know her & she only bowed– The Duke shook hands & the Dss of Cambridge nodded. It seemed a very small Court. I went down the other side as soon as I got thro’ & went home– Visit later from Mrs Hutchings & Miss de Bernaben & then from Mr Sartoris who told us a deal abt Constantinople & starts for that place tomorrow. He said he regretted his old friends & did not seem to care abt Mr Goschen. We went to dine with Mrs Burr & were rather late as I forgot the court mourning & first put on a coloured garb wh I had to change at the last moment. Mr Boehm the sculptor took me to dinner & I sat between him & Sir Wm Drake– We were invited to Lady Collier’s to see some private theatricals but I did not feel up to going & so we went home. Mr & Mrs Mathew Arnold were at Mrs Burr’s in the eveng and he was very glad to see us. He said he had been to Millais’ & seen Ivor’s portrait & thought he & I were very much alike.

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