0Friday. 6th May [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 May 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 6th May [1881]. Had a visit from Felicia & Elisabeth before luncheon– Went out driving. Took Henry to the S. Kensington for a meeting & then went on to leave cards & paid visits. Found Miss Barbara Layard at home. Home at 5. Arthur came to tea & brought a French military attaché Col. Deschamps with him. Blanche & Connie also came. Prince Labanoff came & stayed some time. We had some music—Blanche sang & Connie & Col. Deschamps each played the piano. We went to dine with Connie & Charlie at Onslow Gardens. Met Lord St Germans and Mr Froude the writer. He is a tall thin man with rather an imperturbable look & I did not take to him at first.

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