0Thursday. 12th [May 1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 May 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 12th [May 1881]. Felt very CD & disenclined to go out but had to go to Lady Burdett Coutts at 2 to lunch there to meet D. & Dss of Mecklenburg Strelitz & Pss Mary of Cambridge– Met there besides, Lady & Miss Lopez, Mr Ashmead Bartlett M.P., Mr Elliott. The latter I am told is 82 but he did not appear to be more than 60. He had to take me to lunch & I sat between him & our host whom I had not seen since his marriage. I was too unwell to be able to eat & was glad to get home a little after 4 & to keep quiet till dinner time. Mr Rate paid us a long visit & tried to persuade me to go to bed but I managed to dress & go to Baron Ferdinand Rothschild’s where there was an immense large party of smart people– The Avelands, Lady Romney, Ly Cunningham, the Vernon Harcourts, Dufferins, Mr Dilke, Sir Henry D. Wolff, D. & Ly Majoribanks &c &c. Sir Vn Harcourt took me to table & I sat between him & Sir Hy D. Wolff– They were neither of them very entertaining. Vernon Harcourt chaffed D. Wolff in a loud vulgar kind of way & seemed very overbearing. I could eat nothing & was in such pain all over me that I was glad when the evening was over & we could go home. I gave Lady Dufferin some information as to Consple & had a little talk to Sir D. Majoribanks. I got to bed early & had some arrow root & nitre.

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