0Saturday. 14th [May 1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 May 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 14th [May 1881]. I remained in bed in the morning. Nelly & Eda came with their brother to see me. He came to bid me goodbye as he is to go to learn farming in Canada. I got up in the afternoon & went down to the drawing room– Had a heap of visits at tea time, viz. Blanche, Mama, Sir Wm & Miss Drake, Genl. & Lady Dickson. Monty brought me a document abt Tunis to copy for him—the circular note addressed by the Turkish Govt to its Representatives. Eda & Nellie Alderson came to dine. We dined at ¼ to 7 & then Henry took them to Lady Burdett Coutts’ box at the Lyceum to see “The Cup” Tennyson’s play wh is thought a great deal of and acted by Irving & Ellen Terry. I spent the eveng writing & went early to bed. Monty came in abt 10.30 & said he had heard that Reggie Yorke was dangerously ill & had been a long time at the hospital with Susan Hambro—& they had left him better.

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