0Wednesday. 1st June [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 1st June [1881]. Derby Day. Busy morning doing accounts &c. Alice came & lunched with us. I went out at 2.30 & went to ask Blanche to drive with me which she did. I took her to the dressmakers Céciles & she then tried on her fancy dress for the Old Fair Bazaar at wh she & a good many of the family are to help to sell in old costume. I left her there & went on to leave some cards & then returned home to tea. Blanche came to tea. We dined with Mrs Drummond & Mrs Kay & Miss Drummond & met Browning the poet, Mr & Mrs Oldfield, Sir Wm Gregory & Mr & Mrs Ross of Bladensburg & Mr Fergusson. Browning took me to dinner & I had Mr Ross at my right. Henry was better but not quite up to the effort of dining out & I got him home early.

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