0Friday. 3rd June [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 3rd June [1881]. Busy morning writing &c. Henry walked out to see Sir S. Northcote, Salisbury, Ivor &c. After lunch I deposited him at the Nat. Gallery & then went on to leave cards &c & home at 5. Visit from Mrs Frith & Genl. Wm Layard then from Felicia & Leila & Blanche also. It was a very hot day– After T Blanche took me driving for ½ hour. On my return I found Ivor sitting with Henry & we had a long chat. Then Mama & Alice Du Cane came & I had only just time to dress for dinner & we went to dine with the Rates. Mr Spencer Lyttleton took me down & I sat next to Mr Rate. Met Col. & Ly Elisabeth Romilly, the Bss of Carlisle & Mrs Goodwin, Col. & Mrs Duff, Willy Bruce &c. Mr S. Lyttleton is Ld Granville’s secy & I had rather a pleasant dinner talking abt foreign lands &c. Henry was tired & we had to come home early.

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