0Tuesday. 21st [June 1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 June 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 21st [June 1881]. I walked out in the morning to pay some farewell visits—went to Lady Somers, on to Mrs Rates & then to see old Miss Goldsmid our old acquaintance of Rome who was at an hotel close by here. She was delighted to see me & full of lamentations at our not going to Rome permanently. Mrs Poynter came to lunch with me & afterwards took me out in her brougham. It is like a new toy for her as it is her first attempt to keep a carriage. It was a nice neat little turn out—spruce & little like herself. She deposited me at my dentist & went her way. From there I went to St John’s Wood to call on the Fred Layards who were all out. I paid a few more visits & went home. We dined at a large dinner at Sir Erskine May’s. I had a panic on the way there that it was the wrong day—however it was all right. Sir Bartle Frere & Mr Bourke were my neighbours at dinner. Mr Bourke asked me for letters for Consple. He was just starting on Bondholders affairs.

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